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Final Assessment Terms & Conditions

creating music memories together

3 min read

Final Assessment Terms and Conditions:

1. Assessment Procedure:
Students enrolled in “Cochineal music programs” are required to undergo periodic assessments to evaluate their progress and proficiency.
- Assessments may include practical performance evaluations, theoretical examinations, or both, depending on the level and requirements of the course.

2. Passing Assessment:
If a student successfully passes the assessment:
- They will be eligible to progress to the next level of the music program.
- They will receive a certificate of achievement or other recognition acknowledging their accomplishment.

3. Failing Assessment:
If a student does not pass the assessment:
- They may be required to undergo additional remedial training or practice sessions to address areas of weakness.
- They will have the opportunity to reattempt the assessment in a subsequent evaluation period.
- Failure to pass multiple assessments may result in reevaluation of the student's enrollment in the music program.

4. Absence from Assessment:
If a student fails to show up for the scheduled assessment without prior notification:
- They may be considered as having failed the assessment and subject to the consequences outlined in section 3.
- Exceptions may be made in cases of documented emergencies or extenuating circumstances, subject to review by the school administration.

5. Assessment Integrity:
- Students are expected to adhere to the principles of academic honesty and integrity during assessments.
- Any form of cheating, plagiarism, or misconduct during assessments will result in immediate disqualification and disciplinary action.

6. Review and Appeal:
- Students have the right to request a review or appeal of their assessment results if they believe there are grounds for reconsideration.
- Requests for review or appeal must be submitted in writing to the school administration within a specified timeframe of 2 weeks following the release of assessment results.

7. Confidentiality:
- Assessment results and related information will be treated as confidential and shared only with authorized individuals, including students and their guardians.

8. Acceptance of Terms:
- By enrolling in “Cochineal Music Classes” music program, students and their guardians acknowledge and agree to abide by these assessment terms and conditions.

9. Booking and Payment Policy:
- Assessments must be booked and paid for in advance.
- In the event that a student does not pass the assessment or encounters any issues preventing attendance, and administration grants permission for a remedial assessment, the student will be required to rebook their appointment, necessitating payment once again.

10. Terms and Conditions Update:
To get the latest update on the terms and conditions for your exam, please refer to the school administration.

“On the Final Assessment day,” students are encouraged to perform their best on all the contents from our books in preparation for progressing to the next level in the "3 in 1 Class Music Course."

"A minimum score of 75 points on a scale of 1-100 is required to pass the assessment."

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